Neuritis and Neuralgia,skin diseases
Bee venom
Treatment of Neuritis and Neuralgia
Popular medicine has been acknowledged to treat many neurological diseases, and considering historical times, by using bee sting. In our research, scientific materials are validated and scientific observations affirm the usefulness of bee venom in this field. Since 1938, Dr. Erusalimchik has handled many patients with sciatica, thigh, and different nerves in the title of bees. Some patients have additionally had rheumatic complaints, and they have been handled for a long time with other drug and bodily treatments that have now not improved. The results of therapy with bee venom had been good. The improvement was once evident after the first or 2nd syringe, as the nerve ache decreased significantly, and the recuperation was whole in most sufferers after 7-8 injections of poison.
In 1960 he published P. Petroff [16] in search of cure for 50 sufferers with trigeminal neuralgia in the identify of bees, where the full recuperation used to be recorded in 30 of them and multiplied the situation sincerely in thirteen others, Aliskar [17] treated the identify of bees / 50 sufferers / sufferers with specific or more than one neurosurgery, radiculitis, neuralgia, neuropathic pain, (3 weeks), however he located the recurrence after treatment stopped at half of of the therapists. N. Eurech in his observations the success of the cure of neurological lesions in the identify of bees, however he sees the possibility of stubbornness to treat even massive quantities of bee venom. [18] Aghafonov 1983 confirms that bee venom well-knownshows a sedative effect of the central neural tube and a marker of the widespread non-resistance of the body due to the fact it consists of amino acids specifically with active substances such as melaine, ibamine, hyaluridase, and others. Krontek additionally validated the advantages of bee venom for treating syringes with Syrinagamlia.
Bee venom and skin diseases
Bee venom is extensively used in the treatment of many skin diseases, particularly in hemorrhagic disease. There are reports [19] on the usefulness of bee venom in incidents of lupus erythematosus, eczema, neurological skin infections, frequent psoriasis, etc., however the quantity of treated incidents is no longer sufficient for a final evaluation of these lesions.
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